Adidas superstar 2 is a classically designed, highly durable

Adidas superstar 2 is a classically designed, highly durable, plenty-of-underfoot-protection pair of kicks that is meant to last at the sacrifice of a little extra heft. The primarily neoprene upper featured a smooth toebox placed on a somewhat traditional wedge running sole, and no doubt inspired much of Nike running to come. The lightweight design was drastically different from its predecessor. It was also only $45, much less than other signature models.

The upper of the Adidas superstar 2 is made from abrasion-resistant stretch polyamide fabricand it is glued into the sole. The quality of the upper largely matches the quality of the sole. This, Nike points out, was designed to have the Adidas superstar 2 offer more traction over a variety of surfaces. The name of the shoe was inspired by Adidas superstar 2, the Ethopian runner famous for winning the 1960 Olympic marathon while running barefoot. Before long, my roommate, who had debilitating joint problems for years, was sporting a pair and trumpeting their efficiency. Before investing in a pair, I sat down to do my research. A hard, compression molded EVA foam piece sits beneath arch area, reducing the weight by replacing the area which was previously rubber. Perhaps a rubberized bar instead of using plastic would’ve worked better. Either way, the bar is still annoying. Up in the front, the outsole is divided into five different units, meant to individually accomodate all toes of the foot.

While the fit is a bit sloppy and largely a letdown, the difference in the Adidas superstar 2’s general shape pales in comparison to the shockingly lower-quality materials. But we faced no issues with the original fit so we preferred to buy the original Adidas superstar 2, which has a cleaner look. We used Injinji five toed socks to test the Adidas superstar 2 in, but at the same time the Adidas superstar 2 fits and feels great without socks. It is not unusual for stitching to come undone after a few months in areas that often come in contact with the foot. These tears and seams can usually be mended quite easily and tend not to effect the usability of the shoes. The final detail on the uppers is a small elastic band looped around the top of the shoe that can be adjusted to keep a tight fit on the foot.

The adidas superstar 2 uk also gives the visual impression that only anatomically perfect toes can fit into them but we’d like to ally such fears. Put simply, barefoot or minimalist running is based on the idea that the mechanics of the human foot work best when unencumbered by traditional running shoes.